Artist Resume
Ever Wolfsbane
Houston, TX ❀
I’m a multi-media artist and graphic designer, beginning my passion of art when I was very young. I’ve pursued art education at every opportunity I found, which has resulted in over a decade of experience with multiple mediums, including digital, watercolor, acrylic paint, ink, graphite, pastel, and more. I’ve now switched to self study and making my passion into a full-time career.
I draw inspiration from the beauty of the natural world, the hardships of life, and several of my favorite pop culture depictions. Art and design is a lifestyle to me and it’s taught me to lean into my creative side to solve a variety of problems.
- Insomnia Gallery – 7/12
- Super Happy Toy Show -10/13
- Shop Local Art Market -10/20
Gallery Exhibitions
- Insomnia Gallery
- Exhibited 10 pieces on 4 separate occasions
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